Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week O' Pilgrim

I am currently waiting for the PlayStation store to update so that I may claim my digital copy of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game. At the same time I am trying my hardest to not listen to the all the songs on the Scott Pilgrim film soundtrack. It's so hard because the music is so good.

You can hear the entire soundtrack in it's entirety right here!
Don't worry. It's legal.

Why does the PS Store always take the longest to update when I'm waiting for something? I really wanna play this thing already! It kinda sucks that there is no online co-op but I'm gonna fix this by having some friends over tomorrow.

In other Scott Pilgrim news, Adult Swim is going to air a completely animated sequence from the high school flashback in volume 2! It has members from the cast of the film doing the voice work. Naturally, Michael Cera is voicing Scott, Mae Whitman- who plays Roxy in the film- is voicing Lisa Miller and Jason Schwartzman- Gideon Graves- will be voicing Simon Lee. That last bit is pretty funny is you've read the 6th volume. It will air on Thursday at midnight. So like, it was Wednesday night and then Thursday morning not the night of Thursday.

Just making sure that's clear.
Then Friday is the big day! I'm taking a crapload of friends to see the film with me at midnight. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the best night ever. Seriously.

Lemme just see he- THE GAME IS UP! Downloading.


  1. I like the game - I think I really like it - but on the middle difficulty it is really fucking hard. I got to level 5, and I still haven't managed to beat the first level.

    I'm starting to worry that - between this and BlazBlue - I'm beginning to suck at video games.

  2. This game kicks my ass on the first difficulty level.

    I think I may have always sucked and now I have to face the truth.
